Monthly Archives: October 2015

From Our House to Yours: Happy Halloween

Even though we only had five trick-or-treaters total and only saw one teal pumpkin when we were out and about for 1.5 hours, we had a safe and fun Halloween.   Plus, I have been inspired with new ideas for future Halloweens as my adorable little puppy grows older.   With that being said, we smile on hoping everyone also had an amazing Halloween….

Auvi-Q Recall & EpiPen Availability

In the following article, Mylan Specialty which markets and distributes EpiPens published the statement below:

“Mylan confirms that EpiPen® and EpiPen Jr® (epinephrine injection) Auto-Injectors are not affected by the Auvi-Q® recall, and the company has sufficient supply of EpiPen® Auto-Injector to meet any anticipated demand.”

Check out the full article here:

However, on Thursday when I went to our local CVS pharmacy to pick up our two new sets of EpiPens to replace our Auvi-Qs (one for daycare and one for us), I was told that they only had one left and that they did not know when they would be receiving more.   Because it is not their fault at all, I remained calmed and used some humor to lighten the mood. (The woman seemed to be having a stressful day.) As I was leaving another worker whispered to me, “call back every day around 6 pm after the shipment comes.”

When I called back yesterday, I was told that many larger pharmacies like CVS may not be receiving more EpiPens for awhile or at least they have no clue as to when they will receive more.  This is due to the distribution process used.   The man I spoke to also suggested reaching out to smaller pharmacies in the area to see if they have some available.  If so, they could transfer the prescription over to them.  The first place we called would have EpiPens available today! Because we hope that we can help even just one person with this information and our experience, we smile on…

tj cartoon

Egg-free – We Smile On

When reading through some blogs this morning, I came across someone asking, “Can a person who is allergic to eggs eat chicken?”   Great question!

While my son has an allergy to eggs, he is not allergic to chicken and eats it all the time.  However, I was curious to see if there are times when these two allergies are related.  During my researching, I found the following excellent resource for egg allergies.   It also includes a brief answer to this question.   Egg-free…we smile on…

Egg Allergy Information



Favorite Finds Friday: Van’s Waffles

Due to my son’s multiple food allergies, finding breakfast foods that he can and WILL eat has been difficult.   However, this week we took a huge step in the right direction.   After trying to give my son allergen-free waffles several times, last weekend he started to eat them!


Therefore, this week’s favorite find is Van’s gluten-free waffles.  We are forever grateful for companies like Van’s that create delicious products for people living with food allergies.



With this new favorite find, we smile on and wish everyone an amazing weekend…

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Reading Food Labels

Throughout our journey with food allergies so far (especially at the beginning), one of the more confusing and frustrating parts was/is reading and understanding food labels.   These two articles discuss this topic…

You Asked: Can I Trust Allergy Warnings On Food Labels?



It’s almost Friday so we smile on…

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Breakthrough Food Allergy Therapies

The following article explains two breakthrough therapies for food allergies. While it brings great hope for the future, the financial aspect is once again concerning.   However, we smile on in faith and wanted to share about these emerging therapies…


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Tbt – What a Week That Was

Today we are throwing it back to last week.   Yes, last week….and boy what a week it was.

On Wednesday, October 14, my son received his flu shot.  My son is allergic to eggs;therefore, the shot was administered at his allergist’s office since it may contain small traces of egg protein. Thankfully, there was no reaction and we went home and had a great next day.

Then, Friday hit and made life interesting to say the least.  The next six days would include 6 days of little or no food, 3 days of flu-like symptoms aka gross diapers, some hives, a bad eczema flare-up, and a lot of fussiness.

Here is a timeline of how the next days went down…

October 16-17:

  • Little or no food
  • Bad eczema flare-up
  • Fussiness

(We thought it was probably just teething yet again.)

October 18:

  • Hive reaction on face (not after eating- since there was no eating going on)
  • Took him to doctor who said it was something viral
  • After getting home from the doctor, the flu-like symptoms started aka gross diapers
  • Still no eating – Day 3 of this!
  • Fussiness especially after sleeping

October 19:

  • Day 4 of no eating
  • Day 2 of gross diapers
  • Fussiness
  • Tired and weak (Tripping and falling down frequently when playing; Thankfully, that did not continue in the afternoon.)

October 20:

  • Day 5 of barely any food (He ate some puffs.)
  • Day 3 of gross diapers but on the mend
  • Fussiness

October 21:

  • Flu-like symptoms were gone
  • Still no eating; Day 6 of this! Now, we were getting more scared.
  • Extreme fussiness
  • After his nap, he screamed for two hours straight! We could not console him.  He would reach for his sippy cup and snack, put it near his mouth, and scream in pain.  Terrifying!

While we made a doctor appointment later that evening, we contemplated bringing him to the emergency room. It was that bad! None of our usual or new tactics worked in calming him down.  After 120 minutes, out of nowhere, with a little help of Mickey and some passed gas, everything changed…

He stopped crying and allowed us to put him down into his high chair where he would sit for the next hour, devouring more food in those 60 minutes than he had eaten in an entire week.  Thank you God! I could not have been more relieved.

Since then, every day continues to get better.   I can’t lie last week beat me up and brought a lot of anxiety. Aside from my son’s sickness, it was just one of those weeks full of extra morning traffic, extra tasks at work, extra family stuff, extra everything.

However, now looking back at it, I realize that it taught some valuable lessons.

1)No matter how much of a planner I am, I don’t have the ultimate say. With that being said, I can survive without my daily “to-do” lists and plans. Last week most of what I had planned went out the window and restoring my son’s health was our central focus.   In my life, I need to do more of putting aside my plans and living in the moment.  Lauryn Hill explained it perfectly with the following words.

we can't plan life,

Maybe I need to work on being more “available” in the moment instead of planning for moments that may never be.

2) Toddlers are resilient. My son amazes me every day with the knowledge that he is learning through his explorations.  Despite having what I believe was the flu, my son also spent last week learning new skills and words such as “Elmo” or rather “Elno” and even something that sounds like “U-Bre-la” for umbrella.  Also, since he started to eat again, he is eating lots! I guess he is making up for those missed meals. Maybe I need to worry a little less and just follow his lead sometimes.

3) No matter how stressful the day is, there is always a reason to smile.  You just need to open your mind to seeing the good instead of focusing on the negatives. It is easier said than done, but definitely possible. Therefore, because we are too blessed to be stressed, we smile on…

tj cartoon

All Auvi-Q Epinephrine Injectors are Recalled

Here is another article regarding the recall of all Auvi-Q epinephrine injectors.

All Auvi-Q Epinephrine Injections Recalled



Please continue to share this information with all of your family and friends to help smile on in safety…

RECALL ALERT: Auvi-Q Recalls Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

The following recall of Auvi-Qs, (epinephrine auto-injectors) was released this evening.

“The company says it is arranging for return and reimbursement of all recalled products, which include lot number 2299596 through 3037230, which expire March 2016 through December 2016.”

The recall includes both the 0.15 mg and 0.3 mg strengths. This company states that some of these auto-injectors “have been found to potentially have inaccurate dosage delivery.” (See entire article here: Auvi-Q Recalls Epinephrine Auto-Injectors



Like many, many people, this affects us since both sets of my son’s Auvi-Qs were part of this recall. From our understanding as of right now, we are asked to get alternate epinephrine devices (other than Auvi-Q) then follow the information on how to get reimbursed.

“Auvi‑Q is one of three epinephrine auto‑injectors available in the U.S. The other two are EpiPen® and Adrenaclick®.  “

– Cited from the Auvi-Q website below.

Auvi-Q site and information:


Because we want to help inform everyone who is affected by this recall, we smile on to staying safe…

Worry-Free Wednesdays: Perseverance Defines Strength

Throughout most of my life, I have always been one to follow the rules and do what was asked of me.   Throughout my years of school, I was a respectful, hardworking, and quiet student.  Therefore, teachers liked me.   However, when I was in graduate school, I had a professor who appeared to have something against me from the very first class. Still, I went about my business as I would in any other class.

One of her policies was that you could turn in any paper early for her to edit and make suggestions about.   She also mentioned to us that you could do this as many times as you wanted to get the grade you wanted.   So what did I do? I wrote the major paper weeks, if not months, early.   It sounds crazy but that is just how I operated.

When I first handed it to her, she tore it apart with words.   There were so many red marks and comments everywhere! (Some of which I did not agree with.) However, I made all of the corrections and resubmitted it the following week, just to get it back again covered in red ink.

(Hey, I thought they taught us not to use red ink when correcting anyways?)


Once again, I made all of the suggested edits and turned it in.   This continued to happen a total of five times before finally the last session of the semester class had come. As we were packing up to leave, I went to get my paper afraid to see what was now written in red across the text.  Instead of seeing the crimson color I had become familiar with, I saw a line that would stick with me the rest of my life…

“Your perseverance alone is enough to make you successful.”

a plus

I am far from the smartest…far from the strongest…far from the most talented….far from the most successful …far from the absolute best at anything…However, the driving force that has always been present in my life throughout all the ups and downs is my perseverance.   If I teach my son one lesson in this world, I hope it is the will to persevere no matter what because with that anything is possible.   We smile on because perseverance moves mountains and defines strength…

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.

“When fear feels bigger than my faith
And struggles steal my breath away

When my back’s pressed up against the wall
With the weight of my worries stacked up tall
You’re strong enough to hold it all

I will cast my cares on You
You’re the anchor of my hope
The only one who’s in control
I will cast my cares on You
I’ll trade the troubles of this world
For Your peace inside my soul

This war’s not what I would’ve chosen
But You see the future no one knows yet…”

“Cast My Cares” by Finding Favour


My Random Musings