Monthly Archives: May 2020

The Justice of Love

I do not understand what you walk through
but I understand pain
I do not understand your story
but I too have a name
and though the world is crooked
and our paths may never meet
I know there is love
waiting to save the world
in glorious defeat.

I do not understand your scars
but I see mine
I do not understand your distance
but I too stay away
and though the world is broken
and these roads all draw different lines
I know justice is for all
no matter the color of these creases
it is the heart that defines.

I do not understand what your days bring
but I hear the birds sing
I do not understand their hate
but I too know what love can bring
and though the world flashes heartache
and reactions act in rage, evil and fear
I know love exists
and colors, shades and scars do not matter
when God is near.

I do not understand what you go through
but I hear your story
I stand by your side against the rain
I pray for a world
where love sees no divides
and loves holds the burden of the pain.
For together we stand
when all else comes against
to have one’s back
is to see the beauty of the colors
of the shade from white to black
for together we stand
against the injustice
using love for all
as the truest, and strongest attack.


We cannot simply stand and watch or even just shake our heads at injustice in this world. We must stand together and unite against it. The divides of skin color and even within the churches all make us weaker. There is strength in number. There is power when voices come together. Ignorance just feeds the hate. But unity and courage stands up against it, and brings love. And love conquers all. Don’t turn a blind eye on injustice today or any day. Don’t believe the excuses the ignorant will throw out to justify hate. That is the kind of ignorance that falls under sin too.

Instead, pray for the courage to step up and to unite together with people who are not the same as you. The labels destroy us. They build walls with no strong foundation so when they crash, and they more than likely will, they take so much around them down too.

So start within today. What is your foundation based on? What are the morals and your belief system that ground you and form that foundation? Make sure they are aligned with the fact that God loves everyone. He created everyone to be different and for incredible purposes. Therefore, each person is beautiful. Pray to see that beauty too. Pray to have eyes like Jesus and not that of the world. Pray for the world to transform to that vision too. Pray for justice and speak up when you can today and everyone just that justice.

Justice is love.

Love is for all.

We ALL can have a voice against injustice. Don’t let that devil’s lie tell you otherwise. You do not need to understand or even know someone else’s story to do what is right. Don’t fear what the world will throw back at you. Instead, fear God’s judgment. God-fearing faith and love are what change the world. But, change starts within when we face our foundation and rebuild and restructure where we need to. Strong foundations can best stand their ground against the

We must unite.

We must stand up for justice.
It’s a sin to stay silent.
It’s a sin to not do what we are equipped to do.

We must use our gifts to stand up for that justice. We must use our gifts to stand for love,

love for all.

Justice for all!

Check Out:

Psalms‬ ‭33:5‬ ‭NKJV
Psalms‬ ‭106:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
Proverbs‬ ‭28:5‬ ‭NIV

Hebrews 13:1 NIV

“He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.”
‭‭(Psalms‬ ‭33:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

“Blessed are those who keep justice, And he who does righteousness at all times!”
‭‭(Psalms‬ ‭106:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

“Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the LORD understand all.”
‭‭(Proverbs‬ ‭28:5‬ ‭NIV)

“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.” (Hebrews‬ ‭13:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬)


The Lion and The Mouse

A mouse and a lion are very different

from the outside

their lines trace them out to be that way

in fact they define opposite

-the world would like to say.

They would say

they are too different

from their creases to the way they walk

to how loudly they shout

or how quietly they talk.

From even how dull their pasts reflect

or how bright their scars shine.

Our world likes to do it that way

they divide and build borders –

for this is yours,

and this is mine.

They tell me that a thousand likes

or a dozen comments and words

are the way to succeed and dream,

but through the eyes of each heart

even a lion and a mouse

are more alike than they seem.

For when we strip away each layer,

when we peel back each scar,

revealed becomes each heart

and we see how similar

we really are.

When we forget how they live or look

when we let go of what we have been told

when the crowds cannot gather

and the events are put on hold,

when we forget what they say

though so much has changed,

we start to see people

in this new and beautiful way.

Change is happening.

Differences do exist,

but when it becomes about each heart

love doesn’t just conquer, it really can persist.

And that is where we realize

that like the mouse and the lion

we need each other

not the competition or fame

not the “he said, she said” game

because despite our beautiful differences


are all

very much the same.