Playing Chess His Way

So much is discussed about Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday but what happened between?! I read a great teaching about it today by Pastor Roy at Evangel Church that connected it to a game of chess. It spoke to my heart in a way I had no choice but to reflect on.♟

Let me start by saying, while I love games, I don’t play chess. I respect it and am intrigued by it; however, I myself have never learned to play. (If I’m being fully transparent, it is a bit intimidating… much like life sometimes…) However, after rereading what happened two days after Palm Sunday and relating it to a game of chess, a better way to describe it is ~ I’m in awe.

So let’s go back to the days that followed Palm Sunday, Jesus was questioned as he entered the temple courts. The chief priests, teachers of the law and elders questioned who gave Jesus the authority to do what he was doing. The authority of Jesus was challenged! However, Jesus responded back with a question, “John’s baptism—was it from heaven, or of human origin? Tell me!” (Mark 11:30) The elders came back for their turn with their answer of “We don’t know.” They were torn. They did not know what move to make. However, their indecisiveness or unwillingness to believe did not stop Jesus who said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.” (Mark 11:33)

Much like the game of chess (or so I hear) there are rules and boundaries that cannot be broken. They do not change because we question them or try to overpower them with our own versions and adaptations. They do not change because we are indecisive and unready. The pieces don’t lie much like God’s words. His words only speak truth. The board doesn’t adjust to our own liking. Instead, it remains constant. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 )

His words, hope and truths do not bend for us. Instead, they help to guide our every move. Therefore, my prayer is that no matter what I am up against, I play alongside Jesus and not against. He will always have our backs. He will provide the best moves in and through everything. And for that, I am forever grateful and in…such awe. ♟✝️

(All rights reserved. @theartofamessyhouse )

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