Category Archives: Allergy Info/Research/Articles

EpiPens in Maine

Lawmakers in Maine are considering a bill all states should pass: “to allow pharmacists to prescribe and dispense EpiPens at no cost to the patient.”

See the article here:


Every six months we have to shell out sooooo much money to purchase two sets of the generic version. (4 sets total: 2 for each child – one for school and one for home) While we feel thankful to be reimbursed for more than 3/4th of each set, that’s still a ridiculous amount of money!

Whenever I pick them up at the pharmacy, I always think about how many people… kids… babies don’t have the necessary protection that these devices bring because of the insanely high, immoral cost!

But like always, we must reflect on how blessed we are…

on how much TJ has improved since his first anaphylactic reaction …

and how we truly believe his body as well as Madi’s will be restored from all of these allergies.

But in the meantime, we stay prepared, always with two sets on hand.

Go Maine, let’s get more states on board!

Know the Signs of Anaphylaxis

The following article includes a short overview of the signs of anaphylaxis.  Before my son’s reaction, I was unaware of the different ways that an allergic reaction could occur.   Check out Robyn O’Brien’s article and help us to smile on safely this holiday season…


Know the Signs of Anaphylaxis This Holiday Season


Steps to Kill Hidden Bad Bugs in Your Gut

In recent months, I have become very interested in the gut health of my family.   It is an area that I not only find fascinating, but also empowering when I find other ways to improve it.   While it may sound silly to some, I truly believe that this is where some of our focus needs to go when improving the overall health of our family.   With that being said, check out the following article and smile on to “good bugs” with us…


Gut Restoration

For the First Time – Study Proves Eczema is an Autoimmune Disease

In our house, my almost 20 month old son has eczema.   While it is under control for the most part, he experiences periods of flare ups and has certain problem areas almost always.   During breastfeeding, I myself developed what I was told by a dermatologist was mild eczema on my lips and hands.   The flare ups went away after I stopped breastfeeding unless I am battling a sickness of some kind.  In addition to this, my husband battled horrible eczema as a young child until the age of 8.  Therefore, eczema is an area we are all too familiar with.   With that being said, we found the following article interesting and wanted to share as we smile on this beautiful Saturday…


For the First Time – Study Proves Eczema is an Autoimmune Disease


Americans with allergies have low microbiota diversity: NIH Study

The gut microbiota of American adults with allergies is markedly different from people without allergies, particularly for nut and seasonal pollen allergies, says a new study from scientists at the NIH.

Source: Americans with allergies have low microbiota diversity: NIH Study

Dr James R. Baker’s Food Allergy Year in Review

Dr. James R. Baker’s following article reviewing the past year and the important advancements in the world of food allergies gives us hope to smile on…

Food Allergy Year in Review – Collaborating for Change


Jerry the Bear

Found this pretty cool so I had to share and smile on…


It’s Not Easy When You’re a Kid with Diabetes or Food Allergies – Here’s Something That Helps – A Lot



Cleaning Home Air

Lately, I have been trying to gradually incorporate new, natural sources of health in our lives.   In doing some research about this area, I stumbled upon this article that I found interesting.   Creating a healthier environment, we smile on…


Five Plants That Clean Your Home’s Air


Guide to Holiday Hosting with Food Allergies

The following guide to hosting parties with food allergies was too amazing not to share. Smiling on to a safe and special holiday for everyone…


Grandma’s Guide to Holiday Hosting with Food Allergies


Making The Holidays Happy AND Allergy-Friendly

The Microbiome

Another interesting article about the benefits of restoring one’s gut health.   Check it out and continue to smile on with us…


The Microbiome is Science’s Hot New Kid


Gut Restoration