Category Archives: Little Big Shots

Little Big Shots – Husband Style

With how busy our weeks get, we try to find time to have a family movie each weekend.  Last weekend, as we watched Pocahontas, this conversation happened…

_Embrace the storm before it ends and learn to dance in the rain, even if it tracks in some mud along the way. (14)

JOHN SMITH: “I’d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.” (From Pocahontas by Walt Disney)

MY HUSBAND turns to me: “They have chiseled jaws.”

ME: “I was thinking…how romantic that line was.”


Husbands say the darndest things…


_Embrace the storm before it ends and learn to dance in the rain, even if it tracks in some mud along the way. (16).png


Little Big Shots (Part 2)

Waking down the stairs one day, TJ sat with my husband watching television.

My son looked up and shouted out, “Mommy has a big ole butt, say WHAATT!?!?”

😳 Maybe the squats are working … Untitled design (61)

A week later, his dad had to have a little talk with him after this line was repeated to his cioci (Polish for aunt) as well.  Let’s hope he is not using this line at school too…



Oh how kids say the darndest things …

Little Big Shots (Part 1)

Walking into the new orthodontist office, the kids were entertained by two giant fish tanks. That was until, the doctor walked into the open-concept room filled with several other patients and introduced himself. As he shook my hand, he sat in his chair at eye level to my children.

Untitled design (56)

TJ, aka my handsome, but loud-talking son, walked right up to his balding head and shouted, “What happened to all your hair?”


Luckily, he made a joke back to explain as the other people in the room tried to contain their laughter.

And we chatted on the way home about what not to say to people … until the next time of course!



Oh how kids say the darndest things …