Category Archives: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Almost 3 months ago, one of my closest and dearest friends and her husband experienced an event that no person should ever have to experience, the loss of their perfect and beautiful son Brendan Noah. Lauren and Jay’s strength during this beyond difficult and heartbreaking time defines courage. Through their tragic experience, they continue to honor Brendan and bring awareness to all.

The reality is that they are far from alone. In the United States, stillbirth affects 1 in every 160 pregnancies. And sometimes, like in Brendan’s story, there is no medical reason or cause.

Today, October 15th, is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. It is a day of remembrance for pregnancy loss and infant death. This includes miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, and the death of a newborn.

Tonight, please join me in lighting a candle no matter where you live in this world. Light it at 7 pm and burn it for one hour to create a continuous wave of light across the globe. It will burn in loving memory of all of these precious, perfect angel babies.


Please take the time to watch their story to not only spread awareness, but also in remembrance of Brendan, their sweet baby boy, born an angel.

Last but never least, let us all remember an important lesson.

Life is so precious. Every day is a gift. Live this day as if it were your last. Enjoy today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never promised. Live and love with all of your heart.